Today, Pope Benedict XVI began his tour of Africa in Cameroon. As 'the' representative of Catholicism he upholds the tenets of this brand of Christianity, one of which is abstaining from condom use. This view is based on the belief that sex is meant for procreation and anything that in any way hinders procreation is 'sinful'. While this is unfortunate given the number of unwanted pregnancies, I find it morally repugnant given the HIV epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Pope reaffirmed the Catholic ban on condom use, in a continent with over 22 million AIDS sufferers. While I am unconcerned with the majority of Catholic doctrine, I do take issue with their banning one of the methods that can help prevent the spread of this disease. Is Rome any more concerned for the millions of orphaned children due to AIDS or the maintenance of rigid doctrine? I think he has shown the church's stance on this.
Now I have one more reason to be glad to be an atheist, as I can use condoms and a bit of common sense to prevent acquiring AIDS.
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