After a prolonged hiatus, I am somewhat settled in at my new location. Anyone who watched television in the past month should surmise from the above picture that I am now residing in Cajun country. I've been busy getting settled into my place, untangling my medical school loan repayments, satisfying my medical license requirements, and adjusting to life in a new city.
I would have liked to stay in the great state of Mississippi, but better opportunities were available to me here in LA. I'm hoping to stay abreast of MS issues through my friends and their blogs. Given my absence, I should have plenty to catch up on.
The majority of things here do not seem too dissimilar from life on the MS gulf coast to which I am accustomed. College football is king. Seafood is highly rated and fiercely defended. Religion permeates almost all aspects of life. The weather is tumultuous from day to day with snow on Friday and t-shirt weather on Monday.
I am working at an emergency room within the charity hospital system. This system supports a couple of hospitals around the state, the most famous being Charity Hospital in New Orleans. The original Charity Hospital was established in 1736 and this system has continued to provide medical care to the poor and indigent of the state of Louisiana.